Name: Marek Rist
Brief Introduction:
I am an electronics developer with over ten years of experience. My strongest skills are schematic and PCB design, but I have also been involved in prototyping, microcontroller programming, testing, and creating mechanical solutions. I am looking for exciting and non-routine work where I can best apply my skills to create something new and contribute to society.
- 08.2009 - 01.2018 Tallinn University of Technology
Information and Communication Technology, PhD - 07.2004 - 06.2007 Tallinn University of Technology
Electronics and Biomedical Engineering, Master's
Work Experience:
- 01.02.2016 - 31.12.2022 Tallinn University of Technology, Researcher
Development of various test and measurement devices and creating electronics and mechanical solutions:- Developing a contact measurement system for metal conductivity to verify the authenticity of euro coins.
- Developing a device to measure the impedance spectrum of lithium-ion batteries.
- Development of various electrical bio-impedance measurement devices.
- Development of ultrasound tomography apparatus for detecting damage and erosion in metal pipes.
- Conducting and publishing scientific research.
- 01.07.2010 - 31.12.2022 ELIKO Technology Development Center, Ltd., Researcher
Main work involved designing impedance spectroscopy and tomography measurement solutions and conducting research based on them, such as:
- Development, production, sale, and technical consulting of the "Quadra" impedance spectrometer.
- Development of hardware for a smart, tissue-type detecting, surgical needle analyzer based on Quadra IP (
- Performing central blood pressure and impedance cardiographic measurements for non-invasive monitoring of the blood pressure curve.
- Development of various measurement, positioning, and automation devices.
- Maintenance and development of controllers for Tallinn city lighting control system.
- Designing and manufacturing production testers for testing own products.
- 01.04.2004 - 30.06.2007 OSKANDO Ltd., Technician
- Designing schematics and PCBs for car, home, gate, etc.,
- control and tracking systems based on GSM and GPS
- assembling prototype devices, maintaining, and repairing defective devices.
Science Awards and Recognitions:
- 2021: Marek Rist, Tallinn University of Technology Development Work of the Year 2020 (1st place): "Non-invasive measuring sensor for aortic central blood pressure curve," team member.
- 2020: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA) Best Scientific Article at the I2MTC2020 International Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference.
- 2019: Marek Rist, TalTech's Best Developments for 2018: 3rd-4th place - “Impedance Spectro Tomograph QT18” research group included Paul Annus, Mart Min, Raul Land, Marek Rist, Olev Märtens.
- 2018: Marek Rist, author of TalTech's best scientific article: Kõiv, H., Rist, M., Min, M. Development of bioimpedance sensing device for wearable monitoring of the aortic blood pressure curve. tm - Technisches Messen, 2018, 85 (5), 366−377.
Language Skills:
- Estonian: Spoken C2 - perfect, Written C2 - perfect (Native)
- English: Spoken B2 - good, Written C1 - very good
- Finnish: Spoken A1 - basic, Written A1 - basic
Driving License:
Computer Skills:
- Altium Designer
- EAGLE Layout Editor
- Micro-Cap
- Microchip (Atmel) Studio
- STM32CubeIDE
- Keil uVision5
- LabView
- Visual Studio
- FreeCAD
- Mastercam
I engage quite a lot in hobby electronics and home automation. I occasionally read fiction, although lately more audiobooks, as I can listen while working out or driving. I used to enjoy dance classes and parties but haven't had the chance recently. Occasionally, I play computer games when the family is not at home.